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Case studies

Cultivating the toughness to complete work even in the tough environments of emerging countries (chemical industry)

This is a tough one-week program in which you will be given missions one after another in Vietnam's harsh business environment, and you will be required to achieve results by deadlines while involving local people.Develop the confidence and mindset to achieve results in global business.


Business internship in India. Exposure to the diverse values of Indian people and develop a mindset that accepts diversity (private university)

In a global society, the key to business is how actively people with different cultures can communicate and produce results. This training is a practical example of just that.While forming a team with Indian people and exchanging opinionsI'm going to work on one project. Cultivate the mindset needed in a global society.


Develop a global perspective through a 3-month cross-cultural experience and acquire the communication skills necessary for global business (rail transportation industry)

A hybrid training program combining language school and business.Acquire the language and presentation skills necessary for global business. As the culmination of three months, we will give a business presentation to Indian companies. I want to shake off my fear of not being good at English and take on the challenge of working overseas or working globally! We foster this mindset.


Cultivating the toughness to complete work even in the tough environments of emerging countries (chemical industry)

This is a tough one-week program in which you will be given missions one after another in Vietnam's harsh business environment, and you will be required to achieve results by deadlines while involving local people.Develop the confidence and mindset to achieve results in global business.


Developing leaders who will carry the future of the international business department. A month of working with India's change makers to solve social issues (Railway transportation industry)

Practical business mindset training for executive candidates of the international business department in Pune, India. Become the right-hand man of local Indian managers and solve management issuesIt's a tough one month training. Through hard experience from a local management perspective, you will gain a broad perspective as a local manager.

india meeting

Eliminate the feeling that you are not good at English and develop communication skills that do not depend on English proficiency (service industry)

The one-week overseas business experience program (online) training for overseas business division candidates is conducted entirely in English, and aims to acquire a world-wide perspective, develop problem-solving skills, and develop the ability to adapt to unusual environments. This is a program structure that aims to improve. We will hone your mind and skills to produce results "overseas as a job."

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Career program (private university) to develop human resources needed by the international community

We provide career education with an eye on international society, and deepen self-understanding through independent learning such as project-based learning in collaboration with peers. In addition to world-class English proficiency, we aim to acquire the ability to work with diverse people to discover and solve problems on your own through a wealth of international experience, and the knowledge to decipher global society.

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